Over the past decade, PMC has heard the call to intentionally welcome and affirm LGBTQ people in its midst, and continues to value racial and other diversities in our felllowship
Welcoming Statement
At Pittsburgh Mennonite Church, we recognize the sacred worth and dignity of all people and celebrate the image of God manifested in the mosaic of our community. We are enriched by diversity in race, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, ability, physical and mental health, education, economic standing, and marital status. These beautiful manifestations of difference stand as a call to be in relationship with each other, never an excuse to limit membership or interrupt fellowship in church. God has welcomed us all.
- Adopted at the Congregational Life Meeting
June 14, 2015
Land Acknowledgment
PMC honors the ancestors who lived on this land before us, including the Monongahela, Osage, Iroquois (Haudenosaunee), Delaware (Lenni-Lenape), and Shawnee, and we mourn the harm done to their people and culture. We commit to practicing continued gratitude for the gifts of creation, along with ongoing respect, care and stewardship of the land, each other, and future generations.
We enable members of the congregation to live out our Gospel values, moving our concern outward into the community and world.
Relational Commitment
In worship and fellowship we open ourselves to God’s love and seek to move with God toward hope and healing. For this to happen as we sing, listen, and share thoughts and life together in fellowship, we commit to:
Give and receive grace
Exercise compassion
Listen with intent to understand
Speak the truth in love
Marriage at PMC
All couples, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity, who desire to be married are welcome to discern and make that commitment at PMC. Couples pursuing marriage will work with the pastor to prepare for it.
- Adopted at the Congregational Life Meeting
December 6, 2015